Dr. Tatiana Hochgreb-Hägele
Senior Fellow, Lemann Center, Stanford
Leads the research and development of the science component of PED Brazil.
Dr. Hochgreb-Hägele is a scientist, researcher, and teacher educator specializing in science education. She earned her PhD in Developmental Biology from the University of São Paulo (USP), where she also obtained a B.Sc. in Molecular Sciences. As a Pew Latin American Fellow, she conducted postdoctoral studies at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), and the California Institute of Technology (Caltech). Additionally, she was a Visiting Researcher at the University of Oxford in the UK.Tatiana’s research primarily focuses on how to develop curriculum and professional learning and development programs for science teachers that connect theory and practice, and emphasizes discipline-based, intellectually important content with a social justice approach.
As a Senior Fellow at the Lemann Center at the Stanford Graduate School of Education, Tatiana leads the research and development of the science component of PED Brasil (Programa de Especialização Docente, https://pedbr.org/en/home-en/). This initiative, a collaboration between the Lemann Center, Stanford GSE, and 22 Brazilian universities, aims to serve in-service science and math teachers, particularly those in public schools, in their quest to become more effective teachers for their students.
In her capacity as a Senior Research Fellow at the Transformative Learning Technologies Lab (TLTL) at Columbia University, Tatiana has led the design and implementation of the science education reform in Sobral, Brazil. Projeto IDEIA included designing the new science curriculum standards for elementary and middle schools (www.curriculoideia.org), designing and implementing teacher development programs, and establishing new science and engineering labs.